Category Three Tool Kit Site Map
o Introduction
§ Defining Program Evaluation Versus Performance Measurement
§ Accountability
§ Evidence-Based Practice
§ Three Basic Tenants: Simplicity, Utility and Relevance
o Federal Law Overview
§ Education Records
Ø The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
o FERPA generally
o The Release of Education Records
o FERPA Exceptions
§ Directory information
§ In response to a judicial order or subpoena
§ For studies
o FERPA and the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems
o Resources on FERPA
Ø The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
Ø The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
§ Health Records
Ø The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
o HIPAA Generally
o Protected Health Information
o Entities Governed by the Privacy Rule
o The Release of Protected Health Information
o Exceptions to requirement of obtaining authorization prior to release
§ Court Orders
§ Studies
o HIPAA and Minors
o HIPAA and the Juvenile Justice Systems and Child Welfare Systems
o Resources on HIPAA
Ø Federal Drug and Alcohol Confidentiality Laws and Regulations
o FDAC Laws and Part 2 Generally
o The Release of Information Covered by Part 2
o Exceptions to requirement of obtaining signed authorization prior to release
§ Research Exception
§ Audit
o FDAC and Minors
o General Exclusions from Part 2 restrictions
o Part 2 and the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems
o Resources on FDAC Laws
§ Other Federal Laws
Ø The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)
Ø The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA)
Ø Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
Ø Resources on CAPTA, JJDPA, and ICWA
o State Laws
§ State Laws Generally
§ Resources on State Laws
o General Resources on Confidentiality Laws
o Category Three Case Scenarios
§ Scenario 1: Municipal Community Centers and School District
§ Scenario 2: State University, State Child Welfare Agency, State Education Agency
o Answers to Category Three Case Scenarios
§ Scenario 1: Municipal Community Centers and School District
§ Scenario 2: State University, State Child Welfare Agency, State Education Agency
o Principles for Category Three
o Guidelines for Category Three
§ 3A. Create the foundation.
Ø Establish the infrastructure for organization and governance.
Ø Identify the goals for data collection and sharing for program evaluation and/or performance measurement.
Ø Review existing federal and state laws.[1]
Ø Assess the readiness of information technology systems to support the project.[2]
Ø Provide the training.
§ 3B. Develop a culture of accountability through the establishment of strong performance measurement systems for each of the participating agencies and their collaborative efforts.
§ 3C. Refine the existing and develop any needed additional databases or other methodologies to support program evaluation and performance measurement.
§ 3D. Establish processes for undertaking evaluation research on target populations, programs, and client outcomes in compliance with federal statutes and regulations including Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals.
Ø Applicable Laws
Ø Partnering with Universities
Ø Obtaining IRB approvals
Ø Obtaining consents for human subject research[3]
§ 3E. Establish each agency’s responsibility for data collection, including specifying the parameters of interagency data collection and sharing for the participating agencies and allocating costs.[4]
§ 3F. Establish quality control and accountability for data collection and sharing.
§ 3G. Establish privacy and security safeguards against the potential for undesirable publication of individual case information in the data collection and sharing process.
§ 3H. Develop a plan for the reporting and publication and use of aggregated data to promote evidence-based practices.
o Case Studies
§ SPEP in Pennsylvania
§ Hennepin County, MN
[1] Tools in this section: Jefferson, LA parish catalogue of information sharing laws.
[2] Tool in this section: readiness assessment tool.
[3] Tools in this section: Factors Predicting Therapeutic Alliance in Detained Adolescents, University of New Orleans; Parental Consent Telephone Script, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Parental Permission to Participate in Research and Authorization to Collect, Use and Share Your Health Information: Information to Consider Before Taking Part in This Research Study, University of South Florida; Developing a Violence Risk Screening Tool, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Assent to Participate in Research: Information for Persons under the Age of 18 Who Are Being Asked To Take Part in Research, University of South Florida.
[4]Tools in this section: Virginia Restricted Use Agreement; Using MSTI Enhanced Website Data for Research Protocol/Policy; and Policy and Procedures for Obtaining Access to MSTI Data on Teams